Expence Management System

Why You Need?

Empower your field employees with our easy-to-use expense management system, creating a happy and productive workforce. Eliminate the frustrations of manual paperwork, allowing them to focus on core tasks and drive efficiency.

Efficiency and Accuracy

Eliminate the chaos of managing numerous expense receipts. Our system automates data entry, ensuring accuracy while saving time for both employees and finance teams.

Faster Approvals

Say goodbye to lengthy approval cycles. With our streamlined approval process, expenses get authorized swiftly, ensuring timely reimbursements and satisfied employees.

Financial Visibility

Gain a comprehensive view of your company's spendings. Real-time analytics enable better financial planning, cost control, and informed decision-making.

Empower Your Field Staff

Free your field employees from the burden of manual filing. Our user-friendly mobile app lets them submit expenses on the go, boosting their productivity and focus on core tasks.

Industry Need

Retail & Sales:

  • Improve Sales Force Efficiency
  • Real-Time Expense Tracking
  • Enhanced Compliance


  • Streamlined Medical Visits
  • Faster Claim Processing
  • Transparent Spending

Construction & Engineering

  • Accurate Project Expenses
  • Increased Accountability
  • Seamless Equipment Reimbursement

Consulting & Professional Services:

  • Billable Expense Management
  • Client Relationship Focus
  • Error Reduction

Transportation & Logistics:

  • Efficient Travel Management
  • Effective Cost Control
  • Compliance & Audit Readiness

Join Us and Grow Your Business

Cliky transforms your workforce strategy by connecting performance management, employee engagement, and enhance your Cliky transforms Mr. Siddhartha Sen Majumdar Commercial Head, SRMB Realedge